However, when I arrived in the morning the car presented itself still with the front mainly in parts. I pulled a chair to the car and started work. First task was to remove the power steering pump to clean it and replace the seal ring on the main shaft of the pump. To access the bolts to remove the pump you first have to remove the pulley. You need a special puller for that - a puller I did not own. The puller I eventually scrounged did only barely fit. With a combination of puller, parts from a spring tensioner, an hour of patience and finally a big hammer the pulley was off at last. Because I decided to remove the power steering pump completely, I unscrewed the hoses (one of which did not come off easily and needed a few seconds with a torch - which again I had to scrounge) and then replaced said seal ring with the pump safely on the workbench without much hurry. Then the pump went into the car again. All is well.

Next, in went the other seal ring, the one on the crankshaft. I had already removed the chromed ring on the crankshaft on which the inner lip of this seal ring runs on. The chromed ring was polished and installed again the other way around. After the new seal was carefully hammered in place, I started to reassemble the crankshaft balancer etc. Easy going. The temperatures had meanwile risen to their afternoon heights and I retired.